Bumble Bizz- Female friendly business matching making app

Have you tried Bumble Bizz to connect with likeminded business people?

.The female-friendly dating app Bumble, has 2 other offshoots. One is called Bumble BFF (for those looking for friends to share activities with), and the other is  Bumble Bizz. Bumble’s CEO, Whitney Wolfe Herd, was a co-founder of the infamous dating app Tinder and one of TIME Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People of 2018. After leaving Tinder, she took what she’d learned from that experience and created Bumble, a dating app that requires women to make the first move. While Bumble started as a dating app, the management team has made it clear that professional networking was always on the road map. (https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/10532-the-buzz-on-bumble-bizz.html)

Bumble Bizz has many features which allows you to set the filter for female only business matchmaking or mixed gender. It acts like a normal dating app, in that it gives you a short bio of the entrepreneur or aspiring entrepreneur underneath their picture as you swipe left or right.

The app has branched out and offers many other opportunities such opportunities to run your own networking events under the brand’s name.

Empowering women is at the heart of the company’s ethos and it has changed the dating landscape by moving the impetus for the first move firmly to the hands of women.


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We believe its the first of its kind for London. Now parent carers can search for SEND information from their own borough and discover a range of support available.


Your Unique Selling Point

What one thing are you doing differently?

If you’re selling the same thing as 100 other businesses, you need to set yourself apart from the rest.

In marketing, it’s called your USP (unique selling point). Find that, and you can unlock an avalanche of sales.

But how do you differentiate yourself in a crowded marketplace?

1. Talk to your ideal customers and understand what they need to solve their problem.

2. Ask them what would make them switch to your business.

3. Write down your strengths and weaknesses.

4. Look at market trends and see if there any opportunities that your competitors haven’t spotted.

5. Come up with ideas how you can make your business easier, quicker, friendlier, more professional, or quirkier, etc.

6. Ask yourself why consumers should buy from you, rather than another business.

Once you’ve pinpointed something that sets you apart from everyone else, go to town on it. Let your USP become your brand – the very thing that sets you apart. Promote it like crazy.

Be memorable by making your USP part of your business’ DNA.

If people have a reason to do business with you, they’ll come. If you’re the same as every other business out there, you’ll struggle to gain market share.

Why should consumers choose you, and not your rivals?

(post from serial entrepreneur Chris Haycock, CEO of CliqTo Media Ltd )

In search of balance

“Its no longer enough for me to be efficient, productive and get stuff done. I want to find the joy in what I am doing” (Ariana Huffington)

Sometimes its easy to loose sight of the bigger picture as we get caught up in the everyday, but this year, I have made a decision to rediscover balance in my life so that I can continue to live with passion and move with inspiration.